Category: General

  • Ten Top Tips for your wild swimming kit

    One of the biggest benefits of wild swimming is that it’s completely free. However, if you plan to swim in cold water throughout the seasons, you’ll probably want to get a small amount of kit to make things easier, and to stay safe. Swimming in cold water does have its risks, and it’s very important…


  • How Mother Nature Is The Ultimate Woman

    Parenthood is a massive rollercoaster. One of the most simultaneously frustrating and joyful aspects about raising young children is that they are constantly changing. Nothing stays the same. It’s is a double-edged sword. How beautiful it is to watch them roll over for the first time; but then what a nightmare when naptime transforms into…


  • Why does music affect our emotions?

    Music is a powerful thing, it can lift your mood or make you feel sad, evoke memories and feelings and bring relief from pain. It can elicit the same brain response that mood-enhancing drugs like cocaine can. But how, why? Why does music affect our emotions? A natural antidepressant Scientists have long discovered that listening…


  • Why is laughter infectious?

    Scrolling through Instagram reels, I realised that some of the funniest videos are the ones where you can hear the laughter of the person behind the camera. It’s crazy how infectious laughter and smiling can be. Have you ever been walking towards someone both with varying degrees of ‘resting b*tch face’, and then suddenly they…


  • A New Notebook: Beautiful or Intimidating?

    A new notebook. It’s a beautiful thing, isn’t it? The smell of it, the blinkingly bright white pages, the crisp swish as you flip through it for the first time. But it’s also so very daunting. Those fresh clean pages need something worthwhile written on them. They shouldn’t be wasted. Especially the first page. You…


  • Sixteen sneaky ways to get a reluctant reader reading

    Reading is so important for children. Did you know the average reading age of adults in the UK is 9? 9! That means, naturally, that there is a large proportion of adults with a higher reading age, but there is also a large proportion with a reading age well below that too. Shocking, isn’t it?…


  • Orbiting

    Isn’t it funny how society circles and circles around itself? How all teenagers and children think they’re discovering things for the first time, but it’s mostly just the same stuff their parents, and their grandparents, went through. I cringe now when I remember coming home from university brimming with knowledge that I thought I was…


  • Winter woes

    Living in Britain is a rollercoaster. Do you wonder why we spend so much time talking about the weather? Because it is different every bloody day. Sometimes several times a day.  British people are ruled by the seasons.  On our small island we are never more than 85 miles from the sea (and a hell…
